Monday, September 30, 2019

4.2 Workfile Review

4. 2 Warning: Alcohol is a Dangerous Chemical Work File Review Section One: Look at each of the statements below. Based on what you have heard and what you believe, which ones are facts and which ones are myths? Place an â€Å"x† next to the answer that represents your choice. *ATOD Orange County Schools Check your answers by selecting the â€Å"Alcohol Pretest Key† on the 4. 2 Activity page. 1. Drinking is part of being an adult. Eventually, everybody drinks alcohol. Fact ____ Fiction __Y__ 2. Drinking makes you more appealing to others. Fact ____ Fiction Y 3. A mixed drink contains more alcohol than beer.Fact _Y___ Fiction ____ 4. A person's size can determine how quickly alcohol can have a negative effect. Fact ____ Fiction _Y___ 5. Coffee is a good way to sober up. Fact __Y__ Fiction ____ 6. Only a few deaths from car accidents are related to alcohol usage. Fact ____ Fiction _Y___ 7. Alcohol is a dangerous drug. Fact ___Y_ Fiction ____ 8. Drinking makes bad feelings go away. Fact ____ Fiction __Y__ 9. Drinking makes your problems disappear. Fact ____ Fiction __Y__ 10. Mixing alcohol with another drug can cause overdose and death. Fact ___Y_ Fiction ____ 11.As soon as alcohol reaches your stomach, it affects your abilities. Fact ___Y_ Fiction ____ 12. Alcohol has no effect on family violence. Fact ____ Fiction Y 13. Alcohol is a poison. Fact YFiction____ 14. Women who drink during pregnancy may have retarded or deformed children. Fact Y Fiction ____ 15. Children of alcoholic parents are more likely to become alcoholics. Fact ___Y_ Fiction ____ Note taking is important for this lesson. Read the questions on the left side of the page very carefully and then record meaningful facts and ideas in the main larger, right-hand column.Be sure to read each stated web site very carefully. Your test will come directly from the notes. This method for taking notes is called â€Å"Cornell Note Taking. † Questions/Main Ideas:Notes_______________________ ______________________ Select: Blood Alcohol Educator 1. List three facts that you have learned from this site. Men has better drinking skill than women 2. Compare the various effects that alcohol has on the mind and body at two different blood alcohol concentrations. 3. Evaluate the decision by all fifty states to enact a BAC limit of . 8 as the legal limit for drunk driving on drivers over the age of 21. Why was this law so important for everyone's health and safety? Select: Myths about alcohol[->0] 1. List at least three organs that can be affected by alcohol use. 2. If you were involved with alcohol as a teen, predict what four people (other than your parents) would be most affected by your use of alcohol. Select: What is a drink? [->1] 1. What is the definition of a standard drink for beer, wine and distilled spirits? 2. How does the amount of alcohol in a malt liquor compare to other brewed beverages? . Why can’t you group all 12 ounce beers as having the same alcohol c ontent just as you would with one 12 ounce wine cooler? Select: Drinking and Driving[->2] 1. Analyze the promising but inadequately evaluated measures that can be used to reduce drinking and driving. Please predict the 3 that you think would be the most beneficial. 2. Identify 2 ways that you can help in the task of reducing drinking and driving. 3. Explain BAC and explain its importance in determining DUI or DWI. Heart, liver, stomach GF, friend, teacher, sister Select: Effects on the Body[->3] . List five (5) effects alcohol has on the body’s central nervous system. 2. Contrast a healthy liver with that of a liver affected by alcohol consumption. Include a minimum of 4 facts in your note-taking column. 3. Imagine you are a physician. A 40- year-old patient comes to you complaining about her health. During your consultation, you find out she has consumed a 12-pack of beer every night for the past 17 years. Speculate the condition of her body, making sure to include the effec ts of alcohol on her brain, intestines, liver and bones.Select: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome[->4] 1. What problems may a baby have if the mother drinks while she is pregnant? 2. What is fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)? 3. A pregnant woman is at a family birthday party. Her brother brings her a drink called a white Russian (it has three different shots of liquor and milk in it). Her brother says it will be good for you –â€Å"it has milk in it†-what should she do? 4. You are at your friend’s house for dinner and your friend’s mother who is pregnant is drinking wine with dinner.You have been taking the life management class online and learned about fetal alcohol syndrome; your friend is concerned about her mother drinking while being pregnant. What could you do to help? [->0] – http://web. archive. org/web/20070414002507/http:/madd. org/stats/0,1056,1156,00. html [->1] – http://pubs. niaaa. nih. gov/publications/Practitioner/pocketguide/pocket_guide2. htm [->2] – http://www2. potsdam. edu/hansondj/DrinkingAndDriving. html [->3] – http://www. collegedrinkingprevention. gov/CollegeStudents/interactiveBody. aspx [->4] – http://www. nofas. org/

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Bite Me: A Love Story Chapter 1

The third book in the Love Story series, 2010 1. Hello Kitty BEING THE JOURNAL OF ABIGAIL VON NORMAL, Emergency Backup Mistress of the Greater Bay Area Night The City of San Francisco is being stalked by a huge, shaved vampyre cat named Chet, and only I, Abby Normal, emergency backup mistress of the Greater Bay Area night, and my manga-haired love monkey, Foo Dog, stand between the ravenous monster and a bloody massacre of the general public. Which isn't, like, as bad as it sounds, because the general public kind of sucks ass. Still, I think that this battle of dark powers; the maintenance of my steamy, forbidden romance; the torturous break-in of a new pair of red vinyl, thigh-high Skankenstein; platform boots; as well as the daily application of complex eye makeup and whatnot, totally justify my flunking Biology 102. (Introduction to Mutilation of Preserved Marmot Cadavers, with Mr. Snavely, who totally has his way with the marmots when no one is around, I have it on good authority.) But try to tell that to the mother unit, who deserves this despair and disappointment for cursing me with her tainted and small-boobed DNA. Allow me to catch you up, s'il vous plaà ®t. Pay attention, bitches, there will be a test. Three lifetimes ago, or maybe it was like last semester, because like the song says, â€Å"time is like a river of slippery excretions when you're in love†-anyway-during winter break, Jared and I were in Walgreens looking for hypoallergenic eye makeup when we encountered the beautiful, redheaded Countess Jody and her consort of blood, my Dark Lord, the vampyre Flood, who was totally disguised in jeans and flannel as a loser. And I was all, â€Å"Nosferatu.† Whispered to Jared like a night wind through dead trees. And Jared was all, â€Å"No way, you sad, deluded little slut.† And I was all, â€Å"Shut your fetid penis port, you spunk-breathed poseur.† Which he took as a compliment, so that's how I meant it, because while Jared is deeply gay, he's never really gayed anyone up, except maybe his pet rat, Lucifer. Strictly speaking, I think Jared would be considered a rodentsexual, if not for the difficult geometry of the relationship. (See, size does matter!) Note to self: I should totally set Jared up with Mr. Snavely and they can talk about squirrel-shagging and whatnot and maybe I won't have to repeat Bio 102. Anyway, Jared is a fitting support player in the tragedy that is my life, as he dresses dismal chic and excels at brooding, self-loathing, and allergies to beauty products. I've tried to talk him into going pro. ‘Kayso, the vampyre Flood had me meet him at a club, where I offered up myself to his dark desires, which he totally rejected because of his eternal love of the Countess. So he bought me a cappuccino instead and appointed me to be their official minion. It is the duty of the minion to rent apartments, do laundry, and bring the masters a sack with a tasty kid in it, although I never did that last part because the masters don't like kids. ‘Kayso, the vampyre Flood gave me money and I rented a trs cool loft in the SOMA (which is widely accepted to be the best ‘hood for vampyres because there's mostly new buildings and no one would suspect ancient creatures of purest evil to hang out there). But it turns out, it was like half a block from the trs cool loft in the SOMA that they already lived in. ‘Kayso, when I take the key to them, hoping they will bestow the dark gift of immortality upon me, this limo full of wasted college-age guys and a painted blue ho with ginormous fake boobs pulls up. And they're all, â€Å"Where is Flood? We need to talk to Flood. And let us in,† and other demanding shit. And I'm all, â€Å"No way, step off Smurfett. There's no one named Flood here.† I know! I was all, Oh-my-fucking-zombie-jebus-on-a-pogo-stick! She was blue! And I'm not racist, so shut up. She clearly had self-esteem issues that she compensated for with giant fake boobs, slutty blue body-paint, and doing a carload full of stoners for money. I'm not judging her by the color of her skin. Everyone copes. When I got braces I went through a Hello Kitty phase that lasted well into my fifteens, and Jared maintains that I am still perky at heart, which is not true. I am simply complex. But more about the blue hooker later, because right then the Asian guy looks at his watch and says, â€Å"Too late, it's sunset.† And they drove off. Which is when I opened the door into the stairwell to the loft and was confronted by Chet, the huge shaved vampyre cat. (Except, at the time, I didn't know his name, and he was wearing a red sweater, so I didn't know he was shaved, and he wasn't a vampyre yet. But huge.) So I'm all, â€Å"Hey, kitty, go away.† And he did, leaving only William, the huge shaved cat homeless guy, lying on the steps. I thought he was dead, because of the smell, but it turns out he was only passed out from alcohol and partially drained of blood and stuff. But I'm pretty sure he's dead now because, later, Foo and I found his stank-ass clothes on the steps of the loft, full of the gray dust that people turn to when a vampyre drains them. So upstairs I'm all, â€Å"There's a dead guy and a huge kitty in a sweater on your steps.† And the Countess and Flood are all, â€Å"Whatever.† And I'm all, â€Å"And there was a limo full of stoners here who were totally hunting you.† And they were all, â€Å"Whoa.† And they seemed more freaked out than you'd think, for ancient creatures of dark forbidden romance and whatnot. And it turns out they weren't-I mean, aren't. I mean, sure, their love is eternal, and they are creatures of unspeakable evil and stuff, but they are not ancient at all. It turns out that the vampyre Flood is only like nineteen, and he's only known the Countess for like two months. And she's only like twenty-six, which, while a little crusty, is not that ancient. And despite her advanced age, the Countess is beautiful, with long, totally natch red hair and milky skin, green eyes like emerald fire, and a smoking body that could turn a girl totally lesbo if she wasn't already a slave to the mad, man-ninja sex-fu of the delicious Foo Dog. (Foo keeps insisting that he can't be a ninja because he's Chinese and ninjas are Japanese, but he's just being stubborn and goes all Angry, Angry Asian on me whenever I bring it up.) ‘Kayso, in the master's loft I see these two bronze statues, one of this crusty businessman-looking guy, and the other looks like the Countess, except it's totally naked, or in a leotard, and bronze. And I'm all, â€Å"Exhibitionist, much, Countess? Did it come with a pole?† And she's all, â€Å"Help Tommy move furniture, Wednesday.† Like that makes any sense at all. (Turns out that Wednesday is a Gothish character from some crusty movie.) ‘Kayso, later, by virtue of my extensive research and sneaking around and whatnot, I find out that the statues aren't statues at all. That the Countess used to be inside the statue of her, and that inside the crusty businessman statue is the real ancient creature of unspeakable evil, the nosferatu that turned the Countess. And the vampyre Flood, who wasn't a vampyre at all at the time, had bronzed the two of them when they were sleeping the deep sleep of the daytime dead, which is like the deepest sleep you can get. (You should know right now, that there's no yawning, gentle drift into sleepytime for vampyres. When the sun breaks the horizon, they drop rag-doll dead on the spot, and you can pose them, paint them, put their hands on their junk and post the pics on the Web, and they won't know a thing until sundown when they come on like a light and they're wondering why their naughty bits are green and their inbox is full of propositions from I know. Whoa! It turns out that Flood, who was known as Tommy, was chosen by the Countess as her day-minion, blood lunch, and love monkey, because he worked nights at the Safeway. Then, the old vampyre, who had turned the Countess only like a week before, started fucking with them-saying he was going to kill Tommy and generally harsh Jody's reality. ‘Kayso, Flood and his stoner Safeway night crew (called the Animals) hunted down the alpha vampyre, who was sleeping in a big yacht in the Bay, and they stole like jillions in art from the yacht and blew it up with the vampyre in it, which seriously put habaneras in his ‘tude lube, but when he came out of the water, they fucked him up a good long time with spear guns and whatnot. I know! Oh-my-fucking-god-ponies-in-the-barbecue! I know! It just goes to show you, like Lord Byron says in the poem: â€Å"Given enough weed and explosives, even a creature of most sophisticated and ancient dark power can be undone by a few stoners.† I'm paraphrasing. It may have been Shelley. ‘Kayso, the Countess saves the old vampyre from being toasted, but she promises the cops (there were these two cops) to take him away and never come back to the City, but when they go to sleep, Flood, who couldn't bear to lose Jody, took them downstairs to the biker-sculptors and had them bronzed. But when he was trying to explain to the Countess about why he did it, he drilled holes in the bronze by her ears, and she turned into mist, streamed into the room, and turned him into a vampyre. Which totally surprised him, because he didn't even know she knew how to do either of those things. (Misting and turning, I mean.) So then they're like, both vampyres, eternal in their love, but somewhat lame in their night skills. Because Jody had been feeding off of Tommy, she hadn't thought through what they would eat after Tommy turned vampyre. So, first they went to this homeless guy we'll call William the Huge Cat Guy (because that's what people call him) because he used to sit on Market Street with Chet and a sign that said, I AM POOR AND MY CAT IS HUGE. And they ended up renting the huge cat, Chet, to be their shared blood lunch. But it turned out that a large part of Chet's kitty hugeness was fur, so in order to facilitate the biting process, they shaved him. I'm just glad that I wasn't their minion yet, because I think we all know who would have ended up shaving the kitty. But no! It didn't work. I'm not sure why. But William got totally, date-rape-level hammered on the liquor he bought with the huge cat rent money, and they ended up feeding on him. Which is where I, the new princess-elect of darkness, was brought into the fold. (Into the â€Å"fold† means, like, the gang, as in gang of sheep, not fold like in what you do to T-shirts if you're a casual cotton slave at Old Navy.) It was I, who turned Tommy onto the needle exchange program, where he was able to use his pale thinness to convince them he was a junkie and get syringes so they could take William's blood and put it in the fridge for the Countess to have in her coffee. Turns out that the only way the vampyre can tolerate real food or drink is if it has a little human blood in it. (The Countess likes blood on her fries, which is at once trs cool and deeply fucked-up.) So, as soon as the Countess and Flood figured out the deal with blood and food, William the Huge Cat Guy wandered off and the Countess had to go find him, since she has more experience at hunting the night, while Flood and I moved stuff from one loft to the other. But I had to get lice shampoo for my useless little sister, Ronnie, who was plagued by vermin, and Flood sent me home early to spare me the wrath of the mother unit because he didn't want his minion on restriction. (So noble. I think that's when I fell in love with him.) Then he took the bronzed old vampyre down to the water to dump him in the Bay before the Countess got back. It was clear to me that Tommy had jealousy issues with the old vampyre, and wanted to get rid of him. Except he ran out of dark before he got to the Bay and had to leave the old vampyre sitting by the Ferry Building on the Embarcadero and run from the sun for his life. At the last minute, the Animals drive by in their limo with their stupid blue ho an d scoop the vampyre Flood off the street just before he was incinerated by the sun. I know. WTF? (FYI, when I type WTF, you are supposed to read it What the Fuck? Same with OMG, and OMFG, which are Oh My God and Oh My Fucking God. Only a completely lame Disney Channel nimnode pronounces the letters. Even BMLWA, or Bite My Lily White Ass should only be spoken as letters if you are hanging out with nuns or other people who are embarrassed about being told to bite asses.) ‘Kayso, the Animals go back to work at the Safeway, but not before they tie Flood to a bed frame, where the blue hooker tortured him to get him to turn her into a vampyre, because now she had like all the money that the Animals had gotten for the old vampyre's art, which was like six hundred thousand dollars, and she wanted to take her time spending it, so she wanted to be immortal. But Flood was like a complete vamp noob. He'd never even killed anyone and turned them to dust or anything, so he didn't know how to change someone. The Countess didn't tell him that the chosen had to drink the vampyre's blood to receive the dark gift. So the blue ho tortures the shit out of him. I know, what a bitch. Meanwhile, the Countess found the huge cat guy, and I found the lice shampoo, but we don't know where Tommy is. But the Countess was burned from going out on some hot water pipes, so she fed on me, right there in the loft, and I was all, â€Å"Oh shit, I'm going to get the dark gift and I'm, like, wearing my lime-green Chuck Taylors, which are totally not the kicks for becoming a creature of unspeakable power in.† But no, the Countess just partook of my sanguine nectar so she could heal. That's probably where I fell in love with her. Anyway, she goes asking around about Tommy, and this completely crazy homeless guy who thinks he is the Emperor of San Francisco (you see him and his two dogs in the north end of the City all the time) says that one of the Animals was asking around about Flood. So I'm all, â€Å"Uh-oh.† And the Countess is all, â€Å"Yep.† Next thing you know, we are at the Marina Safeway and the Countess-wearing her black jeans and red leather jacket, but no lipstick-underhands a steel reinforced trash can like as big as a lesbian gym teacher through the big front window, and she just walks right through the falling glass, badass as shit, into the store and starts kicking stoner ass. It was glorious. But she didn't kill anyone, which turned out to be a mistake, as was, in my humble opinion, not wearing any lipstick. For while it was a heroic ass-kicking as has ever been delivered in real life, it would have been that much cooler if she had some black lipstick on, or maybe something in a dark maroon. But they told her that Tommy was tied up at Lash's, the black guy's, apartment. And their shit was all busted up, and I was like, â€Å"You bitches have been powned!† And the Countess was like, â€Å"That's cute. Let's go get Tommy.† She can be kind of a bitch sometimes. Anyway, we go to the apartment where Tommy is being held, but when we get there, he's still tied to the bed frame, but stood up against a wall, all naked and covered in blood, even his junk. And the blue ho is dead on the floor. And I'm all, â€Å"Uh-oh.† And the Countess is all, â€Å"Yep.† And she says something about how the blue ho must have broken her neck or something, because if Tommy had drained her, she would have turned to dust and there would have been no body. Anyway, the cab ride back to the loft was trs awkward, you know, with Flood naked and covered with blood and the two of them all, â€Å"Oh I love you† and, â€Å"Oh I love you, too.† And I was being kind of a mopey little emo queen because I was jealous of both of them because they had their dark and eternal love for each other and I had like my lime-green Chucks and Jared the gay-bait rat-shagger. So that was good. The rescue and whatnot. Because we found the old vampyre art money that the Animals had paid to the blue ho, which was like a half a million dollars. But then we found out that the blue ho was not dead, but somehow had accidentally drunk some of Tommy's blood when she kissed him during his torture and now she was nosferatu. And she turned all the Animals. Which, you know, was bad. And not in the good way. And the old vampyre had somehow escaped his bronze shell, and he was coming after Tommy and Jody, and even me? He even shook the living shit out of William the Huge Cat Guy while Jared and I watched from an alley across the street. I know! We were all, â€Å"Whoa?† So it's like, Christmas night, and Jared and I are watching the midnight show of The Nightmare Before Christmas at the Metreon. And we're all traumatized and whatnot from watching the vampyre pound the huge cat guy, and the Countess calls us. And she and my Dark Lord Flood meet us for coffee at this Chinese diner, which is like the only thing open because the Chinese totally blow off Christmas because there are no dragons or firecrackers in the story. Note to self: Write narrative poem exploring Christmas if the three wise men had given baby Jesus firecrackers, a dragon, and mu-shu pork instead of that other crap. So, after all night drinking coffee laced with Jared's blood and getting the story on the old vampyre from the Countess and Flood, we go back to the loft and there, in the stairway, is the old vampyre, naked. And he's all, â€Å"I had to do some laundry. That guy peed on my tracksuit.† (He was wearing a total gangsta yellow tracksuit when we saw him shaking the huge cat guy.) So we like ran, and we had to hide my masters in some rafters under the Bay Bridge when they went out at dawn. No yawning or anything-they just became dead. Well, undead. So we wrapped them in trash bags and duct tape and moved them to Jared's basement lair in Noe Valley. (His basement lair is sacrosanct-his father and stepmother are afraid that they might walk in on him wanking to gay porn-so it was safe for the masters.) Meanwhile, I went back to the loft to feed Chet the huge shaved cat and decapitate the old vampyre with Jared's dagger so I could get extra-credit points with the masters, but it turned out that I had not calculated sundown quite right. Since when does the sun go down at like five o'clock? That's just fucking juvenile. Anyway, when I'm on the steps I hear the old vampyre moving around upstairs. And I'm all, â€Å"Awkward.† Then I hear a car pull up and I run out, right into the arms of this blond ho, who it turns out is the blue ho, who is now nosferatu, along with three of her vampyre minions who used to be the Animals. I know, â€Å"Uh-oh.† So she grabs me and is just about to tear my throat out, when the old vampyre grabs her by the neck and puts her face print in the hood of a Mercedes. He's all, â€Å"You're breaking the rules, ho. You can't just go turning people willy-nilly.† So I was doing a minor booty-dance of ownage at the blond ho, when they all turned on me. So I pull out Jared's dagger, but just the same I know they are going to have a huge group suck on my pale frame, when this totally fly, race-pimped Honda comes tearing out of the alley, and everything goes white light around the car. And my manga-haired love monkey, Foo, is totally in hero shades, and he's all, â€Å"Get in.† ‘Kayso, he swept me away in his magic nerd-chariot, which he had rigged with ultraviolet floodlights that totally toasted the vamps with simulated sunlight. I know! I'd have done him right there in the car if I was not trying to maintain my detached aura of aristocratic chill. So instead I kissed him within an inch of his life, then slapped him so he didn't think I was his personal slut, which I totally was. Would be. It turns out that Steve, which is Foo Dog's day-slave name, had totally been staking out the Countess Jody's apartment for like a month, since he figured out that she was a vampyre when some blood from one of the old vamp's victims turned up in his hemo-lab at Berkeley. Foo is like some kind of biotech ber-genius, in addition to having mad ninja-driving skills. Then Foo dropped me off at Tulley's on Market, where I met Jared and Jody, who sneaked by Jared's parents by pretending to be lovers, which is disgusting in so many ways I kind of gagged a little when I typed it. (Jared is my emergency backup BFF, but he is a pervy little rat-shagger, as the Countess affectionately refers to him.) So the Countess is all, â€Å"I'm going back to the loft to get the money.† And I'm all, â€Å"No, the old vampyre.† And she is all, â€Å"He is not the boss of me.† (Or something like that. I'm paraphrasing.) And I'm all, â€Å"Whatever, make sure you feed Chet.† So we go back to Jared's, and when we get there, the vampyre Flood is all fucked up from trying to climb face-down a building in the Castro after a delicious drag queen, like Dracula does in the book (only in the book it's not in the Castro and Dracula isn't after a drag queen). Note to self: When I am finally made nosferatu, do not try to climb face-down a wall. So then my sweet love ninja Foo shows up. And he's all, â€Å"I couldn't leave you out here, unprotected.† And secretly I was all, â€Å"You rock my stripy socks, Foo,† but publically I just kissed him and tastefully dry humped his leg a little. So we all got in his fly Honda and went back to the loft. When we got there, the second-floor windows were open, and Flood could hear that the old vampyre was up there with Jody. And Foo was all, â€Å"Let me go.† And out of the hatchback, he pulls this long duster that's covered with little glass warts. And Foo is all, â€Å"UV LEDs. Like sunlight.† The street-level fire door was locked, so Flood was all, â€Å"I'll go.† But Foo was all, â€Å"No, it will burn you.† But they covered Flood all over, gloves, hat, and a gas-mask that Foo keeps around in case of emergency biology and whatnot, then he put on the duster. Foo gave him a rubber tarp and a baseball bat, and Flood starts working the street like a half-pipe, running up a building on one side, then up the other, until he goes feetfirst through the upstairs window. Personally, I think the Countess could have just jumped up there, but she's been a vampyre longer than Flood and has better skills. ‘Kayso, there's this blinding white light from the windows, and next thing we know, the old vampyre comes crashing through the window like a flaming comet and hits the street right by us. And he gets up all blackened and snarly and whatnot, and Foo holds up his UV floodlight and he's all, â€Å"Step off, vampyre scum.† And the old vampyre ran off. Then Flood comes out the door carrying the Countess, who is looking way more dead than usual, and we took them to a motel to hide them until we could figure out what to do. Foo stole some donor blood from the lab at his college and gave it to Flood and the Countess so they could heal. And Foo's all, â€Å"You know, I've been working on the blood I found on the victims, and I think I can reverse the process. I can turn you human again.† Which is totally why he had been stalking the Countess when I met him. So Tommy and Jody were all, â€Å"We'll think about it.† ‘Kayso, Flood is holding Jody on the bed, and they're talking softly, but I can hear them, because I'm just by the door and the room's not that big. And it is clear that their love is eternal and will last for eons, but Flood doesn't like being a vampyre because the hours suck and whatnot, and Jody likes being a vampyre because of the power she feels after feeling like a little wuss-girl for many years, and they more or less say that they are going to split up just as the sun rises and they go out. And I was all, â€Å"Oh, hell no.† So I had them bronzed. I'm looking at them now. We posed them like Rodin's The Kiss and they shall be together unto the end of time, or at least until we figure out how to let them out and not have them tear out our throats and whatnot. Foo says it's cruel, but the Countess told me that they could go to mist, and when they are mist time passes like a dream and it's all good. But Foo did figure out his serum thingy. We lured the Animals to our love nest and while I was wearing the fly leather jacket that Foo made me, complete with the UV LED warts, which is very cool and cyber, I drugged them and Foo changed them back to human. And the crazy old Emperor guy said he saw three young vampyres take the old vampyre and the formerly blue ho away on a ginormous yacht, so we don't have to worry about them anymore. Foo wants to cut Flood and Jody out of the bronze statue during the day, while they are sleeping, and turn them back to human. But the Countess doesn't want that. So I think we should just wait. We have this trs cool apartment, and all of the money, and Foo almost has his master's in bio-nerdism or whatever, and I only have to go home like twice a week so the mother unit still thinks I am living there. (The key was to condition her from age twelve that sleepovers are normal. Lily, my former sleepover BFF, calls it slowly boiling the frog, which I don't know what it means, but it sounds darkly mysterious.) So, we are secure in our love nest and as soon as Foo gets home I am going to reward him with the slow booty dance of forbidden love. But something is screeching outside. BRB. Fucksocks! It's Chet the huge shaved vampyre cat, down on the street. He looks bigger, and I think he ate a meter maid. Her little cart is running and there's an empty uniform on the curb. Bad kitty! GTG L8erz.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Statistics - Q Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Statistics - Q - Essay Example 9. To study the spending habits of shoppers in Orlando, Florida, fifty randomly selected shoppers at a mall were surveyed to determine the number of credit cards they carried. The following results were obtained. The data in part (b) are 30 times the data in part (a).The data in part (b) are 40 times the data in part (a).  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The data in part (b) are 70 times the data in part (a).The data in part (b) are 60 times the data in part (a).The data in part (b) are 120 times the data in part (a). The mean and mode in part (b) are 70 times the mean and mode in part (a). Neither data set had a median.The mean and median in part (b) are 60 times the mean and median in part (a). Neither data set had a mode.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The mean, median and mode in part (b) are 60 times the mean, median and mode in part (a).The mean and median in part (b) are 50 times the mean and median in part (a). Neither data set had a mode.The mean in part (b) are 50 times the mean in part (a). Neither data set had a mode. 14. Jerry Rice holds the all-time record in professional football for scoring touchdowns. The number of touchdown receptions (TDs) for each of his seasons is given in the following table. Find the mean, median, and mode of the number of touchdown receptions per year by Rice. (Enter solutions for mode from smallest to largest. If there are any unused answer boxes, enter NONE in the last

Friday, September 27, 2019

Write an essay comparing and contrasting life in the colonies (pick

Write an comparing and contrasting life in the colonies (pick two colonies and discuss) - Essay Example Burkina Faso, formerly Upper Volta is a small, poor, landlocked country in West Africa which later became the part of French West Africa in 1896. A large number of people in Burkina Faso live in rural areas. The extended family and tribes are the basic social units. Excessive population and drought carved the people and they were compelled to move neighboring countries in search of better life facilities. If one compares the French colonies with that of the American, one can find that there existed somewhat a far better living condition in American colonies which allowed the freedom for education and health facilities for the colonists. Most of the colonies of the world faced the same problem of the wide dispersal of population and the migration of educated people to city life. The New England colonies in America gave more emphasis to education which later paved the way for the renewal of most of the colonies. The Dame school system was very common in the time of early colonial days. The one room school is managed by a woman in her house, with a few children. The political conditions were crucial in Burkina Faso before the conquest of France in the 1890s.The Islamic empire of Mali and Songhai ruled before the arrival of France into the scene. In Burkina Faso, the political life has been controlled by the small group of educated people, military officers and labor unions. The result of extreme poverty, political instability became a curse in Burkina Faso region. After the advent of French administration, these political organizations and labor unions demanded political freedom. The social life was so pathetic and the vegetation was mainly depended on seasonal rain. The poor soil supports few fruit trees and crops, which were insufficient for the inhabitants. While in New England colonies in America have been developed a different social

Thursday, September 26, 2019

World history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

World history - Essay Example The Germans were not happy with Theodore Roosevelt and were the first to say they would go to war. The other cause of the war was the assassination of an Austria-Hungary president. Serbia was not happy with the Austria-Hungarian rule (Class Notes). Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand from Austria Hungry by a Serbian nationalists led to Austria-Hungary declaring war on all Serbian nationals. Countries that supported either Serbia or Austria-Hungary also went to war (Ross 27). The other cause of World War I was nationalism. As mentioned earlier, there are countries that supported Serbia and Austria-Hungary when they were at war. Russia defended Serbia to strengthen their alliance. In addition, Russia also called France to support them against Austria-Hungary (Class Notes). Germany saw that Russia was mobilizing and declared war on Russia. Germany also decided to support Austria-Hungary against the Serbia. Lastly, the other cause of world war one was militarism (Ross 24). In 1900s, countries such as Germany and Great Britain had a lot of military buildup. In addition, the two countries also increased their navies during this time in preparation for war. Russia also joined the two in its military buildup. The increase of militarism between all these countries which has access to powerful weapons contributed to the start of world war one. Unlike the First World War, the second was as a result of long-term and short-term causes. One of the long-term causes of the war was that the League of Nations was not able to deal with some of the main international issues which were causing conflicts. The League of Nations was an international organization created after the First World War to deal with international conflicts. For example, the conflict between Abyssinia and Manchuria was not under control because the league showed it was not able to deal with the two powers (Class Notes). The other long term cause was the anger that was felt all

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Strategy Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Strategy - Literature review Example This review will address the major aspects of capitalism in the society in the perspective of â€Å"Dead Man Working.† Mostly, these are the strategies the authors of this book recommend the society should adopt, as well as those they should not have taken in their course of combating capitalism. In this book, the authors portray the world today as good as dead because of the cancerous capitalism that prevails in various states. They recommend that what corporations and governments need is a change of strategy, especially in the managerial sector, as this will liven the dead world. Today, heavy capitalistic clouds cover the world. People are left helpless and have not taken any course of action to deal with this. People today have chosen to work and live, as this is the only option remaining, the alternative to capitalism. This trend persists among people as they wait for the unknown end, which could as well be the looming collapse of capital. However, this is not the right ap proach to face capitalism, as we shall see. The authors introduce the concept of emotional capitalism. This is the new face of capitalism today. The age of work ended, but it ironically adopted a different face evident in the present workers society, where everyone is obsessed with work. This book at the beginning describes a dead man working. He feels drained, and dead. This is his life routine, long office hours, compulsory team building sessions, and interactions with capitalist managers disguised as anti-capitalists. Working today is compared to a living hell. Working is neither living nor dying, it is a living death. However, the ‘dead’ man is expected by his corporation to wear a smile, and a jovial face. The authors attempt to show the difficulty presenting itself for any chances of the situation getting better. The new face of capitalism is hard to clear. First, the capitalistic managers in work places today wear the friendliness masks. Capitalists have become t actful in their strategies, as they even condemn capitalism and tyranny, and employ anti-capitalistic policies in corporations. In addition, they ask their workers to incorporate an element of fun in their work. This is a strategy to brainwash the employees from seeing the dark side of their work and the capitalistic face of corporations. Corporations today propagate the capitalistic culture and this has resulted in somatic desolation of employees, and these are considered â€Å"dead† but still working, as capitalism has squeezed life out of them. Most people do not like their work today. ‘Entering the workforce is like entering the grave† (4). This is a fact known by managers of corporations. They therefore employ other strategies to change the employees’ perception of work. For instance, â€Å"fun-sultants’ are invited in companies to make employees who work themselves to death have a moment of laughter. The authors break down the characteristics of the dead world in order to prove to the reader the state of the contemporary labor sector. Not all these characteristics happened naturally, rather, they are strategies adopted by governments, companies, as well as wealthy individuals to achieve their selfish interests, while blinding the public who will not read between the lines. The main characteristic is the liberal communism, a strategy employed by governments and corporations. Liberal communism embraces philanthropy at highest levels. No one hates philanthropy;

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Weekly Journal #8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Weekly Journal #8 - Essay Example Doing contrary is likely to cause confusion and lack of focus, which may lead to failure or stalling of a therapy. Additional point collectible from the readings is that family therapy approaches can apply in the treatment of other psychological and behavioral malfunctions such as substance abuse, childhood depression, eating disorder, internalizing disorder, childhood depression and childhood anxiety. As a qualified counselor, one needs to accept and value concepts of effective integration as presented in the readings. Actually, an experienced counselor should never combine many approaches to family therapy in their entirety. Instead, one should select and borrow important concepts from other models, which are relevant and capable of addressing challenges and differences encountered at different levels of therapy. In addition, an experienced counselor need to apply more of specially designed integrative model when doing therapy. This can help in avoiding confusion and making clients understand complexity of stages and perhaps reasons for changing in costs of therapy. The concept of preferred view can also help experienced counselors identify problems and dysfunctional relationship quickly (Nichols, 2013). The readings of the week also contain many insights that can be vital to a family therapist. One of the insights is that a therapist can use family therapy approaches to treat other behavioral problems such as childhood depression, childhood anxiety, substance abuse and eating disorders among others. Another insight is that therapeutic techniques are dynamic and multidimensional as concepts of one technique can help in resolving problems encountered during application of another technique (Nichols, 2013). Prior to the week’s readings, one would be thinking that integration of family therapy approaches is wrong and, professionally,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Midterm Policy Paper 8 pages double spaced Essay

Midterm Policy Paper 8 pages double spaced - Essay Example In 1789 the War Department was formed, which centuries later would come to be recognized as the Department of Defense. The Coast Guard which is a section of the Homeland security was later on to be established a year after the establishment of the war Department. In 1947, a decision was undertaken with the sole aim of unifying the various Departments under one roof. This decision led to the formation of the National Military Establishment in the same year. The National Military Establishment replaced the existing War Department at the time, as the war department was transformed to the Department of the Army. In this same year, there was an establishment of the U.S Air Force as it was followed by the creation of the Department of Air Force. Finally, with the senate’s approval and confirmation the existing three military branches of the army that included; the Air Force, the Army and the Navy were delegated under one person, the secretary of Defense who had direct control over t hem. In 1949, there was an amendment undertaken upon the National Security act that advanced one-step ahead by consolidating the national defense structure in a way that the cabinet-level status possessed by the three service secretaries was withdrawn from them. Later on the name National Military Establishment was to be converted and renamed as Department of Defense (U.S. ... This department is said to have evolved with the country as its roots can be traced back in pre-revolutionary times. In modern times, the Department of Defense is headed by Roberts Gates the secretary of Defense. In addition to this, the Department of Defense boosts over 1.4 million work forces under active duty. This department has earned the title of being the largest employer in America. The headquarters of the Department of Defense is based in Pentagon building (U.S. Department of Defense Para 2, 3, & 4). The major mission of the Department of Defense is to ensure that there is provision of military forces required for the sole purpose of deterring a war and above all to offers protection to the security of America. The Department also offers crucial and timely information on matters pertaining to defense policies operations, functions and organizations. Robert Gates History Dr. Robert M. Gates history within the American government circles is vast as the current government is ei ghth in number among the numerous governments he has served. Dr. Gates was sworn in as the 22nd Secretary of Defense in 18th of December 2006. His continued stay in office has earned him a record as the only secretary of Defense in American history to remain in office upon the prerogative of the newly elected president. Before his appointment in his present post, Dr. Gates was the president of the nation’s seventh largest University, the Texas A&M University. Before assuming his role as the president of the Texas A&M University on August 1st 2002, Dr. Gates was an interim Dean of the George Bush School of Government and Public Service from 1999 to 2001 in Texas A&M. Dr. Gates involvement with the Central Intelligence

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Assignments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Assignments - Essay Example I am deeply dedicated to the accomplishment of required endeavors and am committed to being instrumental in creating progress and development to the organization I am connected with. I am well aware that Mandelbaum Security Company is consistently in pursuit of people who are ambitious, competitive, with a strong focus to succeed and a force to work for the betterment of mankind. I would like to be part of your workforce being guided by values of integrity, honest dealing, treating everyone with respect and dignity, striving for mutual advantage, transparency and contributing to human progress. Pursuant to the guidelines set by the National Network for Child Care, â€Å"an employer saves the cost of a replacement or lost work time when an employee uses a sick child care program rather than staying home with a child.† (Beierlein & Van Horn, 1991, par. 1) Previous records of absenteeism at our educational institution reveal that majority of mothers opt to stay home to tend a sick child needing appropriate health care. In this regard, to prevent further losses in work time and to ensure an improvement in the attendance of personnel, I am hereby seeking your approval for the provision of a sick-child care service in this institution. Beierlein & Van Horn (1991) averred that the advantages of a sick-child care service are as follows: â€Å"improves recruitment, employee morale, and workflow; reduces absenteeism, relieves stress on parents; enhances company image.† (par. 10). Although, it also has the following disadvantages (â€Å"monitoring quality control may be difficult in a visiting nurse program; caregiver/surroundings may be unfamiliar to the child; recruiting/retaining qualified staff may be difficult; usage may be low due to unfamiliarity with the concept.†) (par. 11), our educational institution can still evaluate several options which could cater to the organization’s needs and goals. The

Saturday, September 21, 2019

How We Treat the Animals We Eat Essay Example for Free

How We Treat the Animals We Eat Essay Are the factory farms we buy our meat from treating animals humanely? Animal mistreatment is illegal and we can make a difference to put a stop to it. According to Ethical Farms â€Å"Some of the largest US factory farms refuse to uphold humane USDA and OSHA standards, having unsanitary, unhealthy conditions and animal rights violations. In 1958, the US government composed the Humane Slaughter Act that is not enforced† (Ethical Farms, 2010). There are 7 statutes in effect that comprise the Humane Slaughter Act. Included in these sections are Congress statement that livestock must be slaughtered in a humane manner to prevent needless suffering, research methods on humane methods of slaughter, the non-applicability of these statutes to religious or ritual slaughter, and the investigation into the care of non-ambulatory livestock. There are farms that follow the Humane Slaughter Act in raising their livestock that we can purchase our food from, like Humane Farms for example. By aligning our consumerism with Restaurants and grocery store chains that purchase from humane farms we can make an impact. Also, supporting an Animal Rights group like The American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals(ASPCA) or The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals(PETA) can make a big difference. You can support them either monetarily or by volunteering your time in your local area. In Chapter 17 of the Omnivore’s Dilemma (The Ethics of Eating Animals), Pollan (2006), says that â€Å"Eating meat has become morally problematic, at least for people who take the trouble to think about it. Vegetarianism is more popular than it has ever been, and animal rights is rapidly finding its way into the cultural mainstream†(p. 306). The selections offered at most markets and grocery stores have expanded quite a bit in the last decade or two in order to accommodate the consumerism of a vegetarian making it much easier to choose this kind of diet. Also many fast food and quality restaurants have added vegetarian dishes to their menu. â€Å"The general consensus has always been that humans were indeed omnivores and, whatever spiritual or moral dilemmas the killing and eating of animals posed, our various cultural traditions resolved them for us well enough. For the most part our culture has been telling us for millennia that animals were both good to eat and good to think†(p. 306). I myself have never had an aversion to eating meat. I grew up in the country and we fished for food. I visited a pig farm in school and saw a pig being born; I didn’t see anything inhumane. Until I read this book I honestly did not give eating meat a second thought. When Pollan goes back and forth to himself about how he feels right when he first killed the pig, he was very proud of his accomplishment, to how he felt when he saw the picture with the spilled blood, which was so disgusting he could not look at it. He is very graphic in his writing and gave me a clear picture of something I had never thought about. There is an unusual amount of cultural uncertainty on the subject of animals in today’s society and that may be why people tend to look the other way. Many times while researching this topic I myself read things that I think I really would rather not know. Am I willing to change my shopping and eating habits in order to help make a difference? Right now the answer is Yes! Many of us seem eager to extend the circle of our moral consideration to other species, yet in our factory farms we’re inflicting more suffering on more animals than at any time in history. Pollan also says that â€Å"In recent years medical researchers have raised questions about the good to eat part, while philosophers like Singer and organizations like People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) have given us new reasons to doubt meat is good to think—that is, good for our souls or our moral self-regard† (Pollan, 2006). In an article called, Mistreatment of turkeys at Willmar hatchery is alleged by Humane Society, Polta describes how the Humane Society found evidence of abuse and cruelty through an investigation and demanded that changes be made. â€Å"Nov. 24WILLMAR An undercover investigation by the Humane Society of the United States has documented what the organization alleges is routine abuse and cruelty involving newly hatched turkey chicks at Willmar Poultry Co.† The article states that â€Å"Among the allegations contained in the Humane Society of the United States report: Sick, deformed, injured and dying birds, as well as leftovers not needed for buyers orders, are routinely disposed of by being thrown alive into a grinder. Sick and injured birds are left in boxes or on the floor all day until being killed. Chicks are routinely de-beaked without first being given a painkiller. Chicks routinely have their back toes clipped off without a painkiller. The report alleges that baby turkeys get trapped and injured in conveyor belts as theyre processed for shipment to farms. It also alleges that boxes filled with poults are sometimes stacked too high or unevenly and crash to the floor, scattering and injuring the turkey chicks inside† (Polta, 2010). This source is more evidence of the kind of abuse happening in factory farms and also shows that getting outside government agencies involved to help uncover the issues and pressure them to resolve the issues is one way to help. Abuses such as this case can not and should not be tolerated throughout the livestock and factory farm industries. National and World Organizations can go a long way to oversee and create changes within the industry. In the article, VanderSpek stated that the â€Å"National Turkey Federation guidelines also comply with World Organization for Animal Health standards†(Polta, 2010). The Humane Slaughter act states: â€Å"Sec. 1901. Findings and declaration of policy The Congress finds that the use of humane methods in the slaughter of livestock prevents needless suffering; results in safer and better working conditions for persons engaged in the slaughtering industry; brings about improvement of products and economies in slaughtering operations; and produces other benefits for producers, processors, and consumers which tend to expedite an orderly flow of livestock and livestock products in interstate and foreign commerce. It is therefore declared to be the policy of the United States that the slaughtering of livestock and the handling of livestock in connection with slaughter shall be carried out only by humane methods†(Humane Slaughter Act). These are the laws and guidelines set forth by congress and all livestock industries should abide by them. Those who do not follow the laws should be heavily penalized even as far as to shut them down until changes a re made if the situation is bad enough. One solution is that you can contact your Congressman and request that he/she take steps to implement USDA animal treatment standards. Evidence that this can make a difference is found in an article by We Care. Contrary to what PETA finds in our factory farms, in that article, I read that â€Å"every day on farms across America, pork producers demonstrate responsibility and concern for the animals in their care. Today, pigs are raised on farms designed to promote the health and well-being of animals and the safety of the food produced† (We Care). This is evidence that we can produce meat from animal factory type farms without being inhumane about it. Other livestock industries can follow this pig industry’s lead in their humane practices of raising livestock for human consumption. You can also send a letter to the USDA and urge them to uphold the Humane Slaughter Act. In an article by Ethical Farms; â€Å"Recently, Burger King implemented Humane Animal Treatment standards from their Poultry Suppliers, and stopped purchasing from factories that had excessive instances of abuse. You can also purchase meats exclusively from Humane Farms† (Ethical Farms, 2010). Taking the time to educate yourself on the companies that purchase from humane farms is important. Where we purchase our food from everyday can make a big difference. Every day, animals endure mass torture, abuse and live mutilation without any conscience from the part of the producers, for the suffering that these animals endure. When we mistreat animals, we generally also worsen conditions for people. Animal-centered diets have been associated with: heart attacks, strokes, various types of cancer, and other diseases. An article by PETA states that; â€Å"When PETA went public with the findings of an undercover investigation at a pig-breeding farm that supplies Hormel in Iowa, we called on the company to ban gestation crates—pens so small that the pregnant sows who are confined to them cant turn around or even lie down comfortably—and then introduced a shareholder resolution to that effect. Less than two years later, the meat giant has announced that it will phase out gestation crates, which cause so much suffering, by 2017† (PETA, 2012). Although they did uncover animal abuse, they were able to do something about it to make things better for the animals being abused. I think it is important that there are real consequences for the factory farms that are irresponsible and choose not to follow the laws that were made to protect all animals. I have to admit that I do not agree with the extremism that PETA takes to this cause. The ASPCA seems to be much more reasonable to me in their efforts to prevent animal abuse in any environment. They were the first humane society to be established in North America. The ASPCA actually has legal authority to investigate and make arrests for crimes against animals. I think either joining or donating to the ASPCA along with purchasing from humane farms would make a great impact on the market and further the cause to humanely treat the animals we eat! References Pollan, M. (2006). The omnivores dilemma: A natural history of four meals. New York: Penguin Books. We Care Initiative. Caring for farm animals. Retrieved from: Ethical Farms. (2010). Promoting cruelty free farming. Retrieved from: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals(PETA, (2012). A Little Relief, Finally, for Hormel Pigs. Retrieved from: Polta, A (2010). Mistreatment of turkeys at Willmar hatchery is alleged by Humane Society. Retrieved from:

Friday, September 20, 2019

Big Data as an e-Health Service

Big Data as an e-Health Service Abstract: Bigdata in healthcare relates to electronic health records, patients reported outcomes all other data sets.It is not possible to maintain large and complex data with traditional database tools. After many innovation researches done by researchers Big Data is regenerating the health care, business data and finally society as e-Health .The study on bigdata e-health service. In this paper we come to know why the current technologies like STORM, hadoop, MapReduce can’t be applied directly to electronic-health services. It describes the added capabilities required to make the electronic-health services to become more practical. Next this paper provides report on architecture of bigdata e-health services that provides meaning of e-services, management operations and compliance. Keywords: Introduction to big data, different types of technologies of bigdata, advantages of bigdata, applications of big data, solutions of e-health services, big data as a service provider, e-health data operation management. Introduction: What is bigdata? Bigdata consisting of extremely huge amount of data sets which consists all kinds of data and it is difficult to extract. It can be described by the characteristics like variety, velocity, volume and variability. Variety It consists of data like structured, unstructured and semi structured data Structured data consists of databases, small scale health personal records, insurances, data wares, Enterprise Systems(like CRM, ERP etc) Unstructured data consists of analog data, Audio/video streams. Treatment data, research data Semi Structured data consists of XML, E-Mail, EDI. Velocity Velocity depends on time Sensitivity   It also depends on streaming Volume   It may consists of large quantities of files or small files in quantity   for example , now a days single person can have more than one Gmail account. When he wants to login into a gmail accounts the system generates log files . If a person login into gmail account multiple times through his different accounts then , the system generates huge number of log files that is stored in a servers using bigdata. Variability   It shows the inconsistency of data depends on variation of time period .It may be a problem for analyzing the data. Historically Bigdata in health care industries generate huge amount of electronic health datasets are so complex and difficult to manage by using the traditional software’s or hardware nor by using some database management tools. Now the current trend is to make these huge amount of data as Digitalization so that this whole digital healthcare system will transform the whole healthcare process will become more efficient and highly expensive cost will be reduced. In other words Bigdata in healthcare is evolving into a propitious field for providing perception from large set of data and it produces outcomes which reduces the cost. Bigdata in healthcare industry is stunning not only because of huge volume of datasets like clinical records of patients health reports, patient insurance report, pharmacy, prescriptions , medical imaging , patient data in electronic patient records etc but also multiplicity of data types and the speed of increasing the records. Some of the reports generated by researchers on the health care systems shows that, one of the health care system alone has reached in 2011, 150 Exabyte. At this rate of increase of growth, in future the bigdata reaches Zettabyte scale and soon it reaches to Yottabyte from various sources like electronic medical records Systems, social media reports, Personal health reports, mobile health care records, analytical reports on large array of biomedical sensors and smart phones. The electronic-health medical reports generated by single patient generates thousands of medical reports which includes medical reports, lab reports, insurances, digital image reports , billing details etc.All these records are needed to be stored in database for validating , integrating these records for meaningful analysis. If these reports are generated by multiple patients across the whole world of healthcare processing system then we have to combine these whole data into a single system which is a big challenge for Big Data. As the volume and Source of storing the data increases rapidly then we can utilize the e-health data to reduce the cost and improves the treatment. We can achieve it by investigating the big data e-health System that satisfies Big Data applications. BIG DATA FOUNDATIONS FOR E-HEALTH : The Following Figure 1 shows the bigdata service environment architecture that provides the support for electronic-health applications from different sources like testing center, individual patients, insurance facilitator and government agencies .All these produces some standard health records are connected commonly to a national healthcare network. Figure 1. e-Health Big Data Service Environments Different types of Data sources : The different types of data sources may include structured database, unstructured datasets and semi structured information Some of the standard structured data that deals with the drug insurance policy by NCPDP (National Council for Prescription Drug Program) and NCPDP SCRIPT for messaging the electronic prescription for validating the interaction between drug to drug, medical database records, dosage of drug, maintain the records. The semi structured data related to radiology pictures are changed over the IP networks is provided by DICOM(Digital Imaging and communication in Medicine). The e-Health system store, gather the medical information, patient information to the doctors unexpectedly includes medical information, vaccination details, diagnostics’ reports. HDWA Healthcare Data Warehousing Association it provides the environment for from others. They work collaboratively which helps them to deliver accurate results or solutions from their own organizations A strong relationship and interaction from test facilitators and technical team is maintained within the organization. We have to face the challenges for utilizing the unstructured data related to different concepts, sharing and accessing the data. Big data solutions and products: Bigdata investigation requires knowledge about storing, inspecting, discovering, visualizing the data and providing security by making some changes to some of technologies like Hadoop, MapReduce, STORM and with combinations. STROM: STROM is a distributed, open source , real time and fault-tolerant computational system. It can process the large amount of data on different machines and in real time each message will be processed. Strom programs can be developed by using any programming languages but especially it uses java , python and other. Strom is extremely fast and has the capability to process millions of records per second per node as it is required for e-health services. It combines with the message queuing and database technologies. From the figure 2 we can observe that a Strom topology takes huge amount of data and process the data in a typical manner and repartitioning the streams of data between each stage of process. A strom topology consists of spout and bolts that can process huge amount of data. In terms of strom components the spout reads the incoming data and it can also read the data from existing files .if the file is modified then spout also enters the modified data also. Bolt is responsible for all processing what happens on the topology , it can do anything from filtering to joins, aggregations, talking to database. Bolts receive the data from spout for processing. Figure 2. Illustration of STORM Architecture (ref: Some of the important characteristics of Strom for data processing are: Fast-It can process one million 100 bytes per second per node Scalable-with parallel calculations that runs across the machine Fault-tolerant-if a node dies strom will automatically restart them Reliable-strom can process each unit of data alleast once or exactly once Easy to operate-once deployed strom can be operated easily (ref: Hadoop for batch processing: Hadoop was initially designed for batch processing i.e., it takes inputs as a large set of data at once, process it and write the output. Through this batch processing and HDFS(hadoop distributed file system) it produce high throughput data processing.Hadoop is another framework , runs on MapReduce technology to do distributed computations on different servers. (ref diagram: Figure 3. Hadoop Processing Systems From the figure 3 we can observe that a hadoop multi-node cluster , it consists of single master node and slave node. A master node has different trackers like task tracker for scheduling the tasks , job tracker server handles with the job appointments in a order. Master also acts like a data node and name node. The slave node acts like a task tracker and data node which process the data only by slave-node only. HDFS layer deals with large cluster of nodes manage the name node server which prevents the corruption of file by taking the snapshots of the name node memory structure. Many top companies uses the hadoop technology plays a prominent role in the market.The Vendors who uses Hadoop technology will produce accurate results with high performance, scalability in output and cost is reduced. Some of the companies like Amazon, IBM, Zettaset, Dell and other uses Hadoop technology for easy analysis, provides security, user friendly solutions for complex problems.( MAPREDUCE: In 2004, Google released a framework called Hadoop MapReduce. This framework is used for writing the applications which process huge amount of multi-terabyte data sets in parallel on large number of nodes. MapReduce divides the work loads into multiple tasks that can be executed parallel. Computational process can be done on both file system and database. (ref: MapReduce code is usuallay written in java program and it can also can write in another programming languages. It consists of two fundamental components like Map and Reduce. The input and output generated by MapReduce is in the form of key and value pair. The map node will take the input in the form of large clusters and divides it into smaller clusters were the execution process is easy. Rather Mapreduce provides support for hadoop distributed file system can store the data in different servers. This framework provides support for thousands of computational applications and peg bytes of data. Some of the important features of mapreduce are scale-out architecture , security and authentication, resource manager, optimized scheduling, flexibility and high availability. Additional tools are needed to add and should be trained for e-Health files to reduce the complexity because some of the compressed files like electronic-health DICOM picture file should be mapped to a singler Map Reducer so it reduces the BigdData effectiveness. The Hadoop big data applications has imposed a limitations on big data technologies has focused on the applications like offline informatics systems. 4) Programming Tools: The other solution for the e-Health bigdata is MUMPS, it is an programming tool. MUMPS is abbreviated as Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System. It is also known as M programming language. M is a multi user and it is designed to control the huge amount of database. M programming can produce high performance in health cares and in financial applications. M provides simple data considerations in which the data is given in the form of string of characters and the given data is structured in a multidimensional array. M requires support for sparse data.Accorrding to the research done by the scientist in US hospitals they are maintaing the electronic Health records (HER) using M language including Vista(Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture) which manages all hospitals care facilities run by the Department of Veterans. (ref: In future some of the analytical algorithms are developed to solve the problems faced with the big data applications Additional e-Health (Big Data) Capabilities: The additional capabilities provided by the Big data e-Health services are Data Federation and aggregation, Security and Regulatory Concerns and Data Operational Management. The bigdata provides the services which helps to organize and store the huge amount of data. Those data is is digitalization , consists of large amount of datasets consists information related to patients all reports. 1) Data Federation and Aggregation: Data Federation is a type of software which collections the data from the multiple users and integrates the data.Typically traditional software cannot given the solution to store the huge amount of data in hardwares or by some database management tools.But the Data federation will provide a solution based upon the bigdata architecture is based by collecting the data inside and outside of the enterprise through the layer. Some of the important data federation tools are Sysbase federation, IBM InfoSphere Federation server and so on. (ref: 2) Security and Regularity Concerns: Security is one of the important requirement to describe bidgata e-health services.Security plays a important role because patient share their personl information with the doctors which help the physician to give the correct treatment 3) Data Operational Management

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Free Essays - Searching for Truth in A Farewell to Arms :: Farewell Arms Essays

Searching for Truth in A Farewell to Arms If The Sun Also Rises was one of the best books I have ever read, then A Farewell to Arms is Truth. I simply cannot believe that these books existed so long without my knowledge of how grand they are. I consider myself to read constantly, more than almost anyone I know, and here in less than a month I read two books that are undoubtedly among the best I have encountered.    When I finished A Farewell to Arms I was of course stunned by the death of Catherine and the baby and Henry's sudden solitude. "What happens now?" I felt, as I so often do when I finish a book that I want to go on forever. This is infinitely more difficult with a book that has no conclusion, and A Farewell to Arms leaves a reader not only emotionally exhausted but also just as alone as Henry and with nowhere to go. The entire work was aware of where it was going and what was going to happen next, and then to stop the way it did was unfair. Now, I've read enough essays while deciding which would be the topic for my class presentation that I know many people see that the unfairness of life and the insignificance of our free will are apparently the most important themes in the book, but I don't agree. I also don't agree that it is a war story or a love story. Exactly what it is, though, is not clear to me. Can't art exist without being anything? "There isn't always an explanation for ev erything."    War and love are obviously important themes in the book, and the relationship between the two is explored by Hemingway and, somewhat, by Henry. In the first two Books we are in the war and the war is overwhelming. In the last two Books we are in love. And, just as the first two Books are peppered with love in the time of war, the last two Books are tinged with war in the time of love. GIVE SPECIFIC EXAMPLE OF THE â€Å"PEPPERING† AND THE â€Å"TINGING.† WHAT EFFECT DOES THE â€Å"PEPPERING† AND â€Å"TINGING† HAVE ON THE NOVEL? THE CHARACTERS?    The third Book is the bridge between the two 'stories' and it is not surprising that it centers on the escape.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Children of the Abbey by Roche Essay -- Regina Maria Roche Gothic Genr

The Children of the Abbey as a Hybrid Text Regina Maria Roche’s 1796 The Children of the Abbey is a text that crosses the boundaries of genre: it at once engages with the conventions of the Gothic novel, the pedagogical text, the national tale, the novel of Sensibility, and travel literature. As an Irish-born British woman writing this novel during the politically volatile 1790s, Roche’s historical and temporal location may provide an explanation for her development of this hybrid novel. In its employment of multiple and potentially contradictory genres, The Children of the Abbey may be interpreted as Roche’s reflection of and engagement with the instability of her time. In order to more effectively understand the political and social implications of Roche’s work, it is necessary to disentangle the various literary strands within the novel, identify how each genre functions, and consider the possible reasons why it has been woven into the text. What is Genre? From Literature as Discourse: Textual Strategies in English and History: Genre thus refers to systems of classifications of types of texts. Genre classifications are part of a broader social system of classifications, not all of which use the term 'genre', but which have the same essential characteristics and functions. Genres (or types of texts) are classified in terms of both the semiosic dimension (primarily conditions of production and reception, matching kinds of author and writing to kinds of reader and readings) and the mimetic dimension (primarily what topics, themes or meanings will be included and what will be excluded, and their modality, i.e. how they are understood to relate to the real world). Sometimes the mimetic dimension is emphasized in a definition... ...plicated by â€Å"its actual [inclination] towards emotion that exceeded utility† (89). As Regina Maria Roche’s novel may arguably be connected to both the genre of the pedagogical text as well as to the novel of sensibility, tension may arise in the text as the two potentially-conflicting genres are both engaged with. Hybrid novels, therefore, may provide both clarification as well as confusion in the interpretation they encourage of their readers. Works Cited: Hodge, Robert. Literature as Discourse: Textual Strategies in English and History. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1990. Manning, Susan. "Sensibility." The Cambridge Companion to English Literature, 1740-1830. Eds. Thomas Keymer and Jon Mee. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Moynahan, Julian. Anglo-Irish: The Literary Imagination in a Hyphenated Culture. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1995.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Distinguished organization Essay

I have just received your letter awarding me the prestigious Harrison Bankers Club scholarship for this year. I was overwhelmed by the feeling of achievement and happiness, but I must confess, my feeling of deep gratitude for you took better of me. It was the bright Monday morning when I was seriously pondering over my future plans while skimming through the pages of Business Times. Suddenly my eyes were arrested by an advertisement for grant of scholarships by your company. I immediately consulted my father who spoke very high of your organization. I sincerely acknowledge your efforts for taking time to process my application and the wonderful experience I had during the interview. I was impressed by the transparent, methodical and comprehensive procedure undertaken by you to identify the most deserving candidate. Your staff was courteous, friendly and cooperative. What touched me most was your inspiring conversation and intelligent questions you asked. The whole process was a rich learning experience to me. I feel honored and find myself short of words to express my grateful thoughts for your kind approval. Though few and far between, God has placed people like you to make the earth a beautiful place. Your decision will serve in a long way in promoting the cause of research work I have been always been interested in. It was my long cherished dream to contribute to the fast expanding study of biotechnology, but honestly speaking, the financials constraints held me back. Now I consider it my foremost priority to ensure by all means that my work adds further value to your distinguished organization. I again thank you for your favorable consideration and remain grateful ever for the scholarship to help me advance the studies.

Monday, September 16, 2019

L’Oreal : Strategies for the Indian Market Essay

1. Evaluate L’Oreal’s entry strategy in the Indian market with respect to the product, promotion, pricing and place decisions? 2. What have been the changes in the marketing strategy of L’Oreal in the last 8 years? Evaluate them with respect to selection of product / market and each element of the marketing mix? 3. What factors helped the rapid adoption of Excellence colorants among its target customers? 4. Evaluate the options available to the management to achieve target sales of Rs. 1 billion in the year 2000. Prepare an analysis of various marketing mix options and decisions within individual mix elements – target market, product, channel, promotion, and price. a) Show the calculations and refer to these clearly as they are used in evaluating options for decisions in the marketing mix. b) Which product/markets should the company focus upon? Mediquip S. A. Session 5: Preparation Questions 1. What were Thaldorf’s major strengths and weaknesses as a representative of Mediquip? 2. Identify each member of Lohmann Hospital’s decision making unit (DMU)? 3. What were the needs, concerns and motivations of each DMU member? 4. What was the relative power position of each DMU member? 5. How well did Thaldorf interact with each member of the DMU? 6. On what date did Thaldorf effectively lose the sale to Lohmann University? Rosewood Hotels & Resorts: Branding to Increase Customer Session 9: Preparation Questions 1. Why is Rosewood considering a new brand strategy? 2. What are the pros and cons of moving from individual brands to a corporate brand? 3. Will the move to corporate branding maximize customer lifetime value? SaleSoft Inc. Sessions 10 & 12: Preparation Questions 1.What is your plan? Do you plan to continue with PROCEED or will you introduce the TH product? Provide support for your plan. 2.What is the buying cycle for PROCEED ? Who are the people involved in the purchase of a CSAS solution ? What is the role of consultants? 3.What is SaleSoft’s current approach to selling PROCEED ? 4.Quantify the benefits of CSAS to a customer using the information given in Exhibit 7. 5.What value does TH provide a customer ? How is this different from the customer value delivered by PROCEED ? 6.What is a Trojan Horse ? How does it facilitate customer acquisition and retention ? 7.How will you price TH ? Assume variable costs of $200. 8.How do you think SaleSoft’s organization structure will affect its ability to sell PROCEED or TH ? 9.How will you support the customers of PROCEED and / or TH? HP Consumer Products Business Organization : Distributing Printers via the Internet Session 13: Preparation Questions 1.What kind of on-line presence do you think HP should have ? Why ? 2.What risks do you see in your strategy? How would you manage them ? 3.Should printers and printing supplies be treated differently ? 4.What would the people at Best Buy think of your plan ? Would it be any different at CompUSA or the same ? What reactions might they have to news of your plans ? Tanishq Session 15: Preparation Questions 1. How did the positioning of Tanishq brand evolve? What factors influenced the changes in its positioning? 2. Why was GoldPlus launched? How do you rate its performance? 3. What is your recommendation to Bhaskar Bhat to target the plain gold jewellery market in India? List the strategic, economic, organizational and brand investment impact of your recommendation. Centra Software Session 16: Preparation Questions 1. What are the customers of Centra buying? What benefits are do customers get from Centra’s products? How should Centra segment its market? 2. Does Centra need a strategy to decide which customers to select or should it fish where the fish are biting? 3. Should Centra use all three channels to sell the three products to all customers or should it use some products and channels to target some segments? 4. How would you resolve the dispute between Reed and Lesser on how to deploy the telesales team? Would you expand telesales? Tata Ace Session 17: Preparation Questions 1. What factors influenced the development of Tata Ace? 2. Is Tata Ace successful? Why? 3. Describe the approaches adopted to develop the Tata Ace, covering product design, distribution, marketing, service, sourcing, etc. which influenced its value to the company and the customer. 4. Evaluate options to the managers of Tata Ace for growth and strategies to face competition? Suggest options for growth in existing segment, new markets, exports, etc. CRM at ICICI Session 18: Preparation Questions 1. List the factors in the macro environment which impacts ICICI’s retail business. 2. What is ICICI’s strategy in the retail financial services business? 3. Why does ICICI want to build long term relationship with its customers? 4. How did it go about selecting and implementing a CRM solution? 5. What lessons on CRM can be generalized from ICICI’s experience?

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Serial Killer “Richard Chase”

As a young boy he didn't show any odd behavior until he turned the age of ten. At the age, often in 1960 he started killing and torturing animals including cats. Then by some years passed it was 1964 an he started attending Mira Lama High School, obtained grades of Co's, Ad's, and If's, but still managed to complete high school an get his diploma. While he was in school his sophomore year he was arrested for possession of marijuana ordered by Juvenile court work on weekends, and as his time as an teenager he became a very Intense drug user and regularly exhibited symptoms of delusional thinking.January 5, 1978 Chase started his life of legal problems from small crime of stealing a four- mouth old puppy, shooting it in the head and proceeded to drink the blood or to his random violent acts like on the date January 11, 1978. On the 1 lath of January 1978 chase attacked a neighbor after he asked for a cigarette then restrained her units she turned over the entire pack. 2 weeks later, he broke into a house, robbed it then urinated inside a drawer containing infant clothing and defecated on the bed in a child's room. Interrupted by the owners return, chase was attacked but managed to escape.An chase continued to search for unlocked doors of homes to enter. He believed a locked door was a sign that he was not wanted, however an unlocked door was as Invitation to enter. Social problems Richard Chase had many of them; suffering mental disorders which made It had for him In his social life. Richard Chase himself managed to maintain a small social life, however his relationships with women would not last long. This was because of his bizarre behavior and because he was impotent. An event that happened would prove his mind state when he moves out his mother house thinking she was trying to poison him.He had rented an apartment with some friends. Chaise's roommates' complained that he was constantly intoxicated alcohol, marijuana, and LSI. Chase would also walk around the apartment nude, even in front of company. Chaise's roommates demanded that he move out. When he refused, the roommates moved out instead. Education and Jobs, all though Richard Chase never had a Job, his education was on the side of a little below average with an IQ of 95. During, the spring of 1968 he enrolled In American River College, maintained grades of Co's, consistently used drugs, and briefly seen a psychiatrist.Physical problems he suffered from constant paranoid episodes and would often end up at the hospital emergency room in search for help. He was psychiatric observation, but shrinking, Chase felt he had found the cure. He would kill and disembowel small animals and eat the various parts of the animals raw. 1975, Chase suffering from blood poisoning after injecting of rabbit blood into his veins, was involuntary hospitalized with schizophrenic. An his sexual was not very well written out cause his relationships never lasted long because of his bizarre behavior, and the fact that he was impotent.He was killed with a direct gunshot wound to his head. Evelyn and Jason were found in Evelyn bedroom. Jason had been shot twice in the head. The depth of Chaise's insanity was clear when investigators went over the crime scene. Evelyn corpse had been raped and solemnizes multiple times. Her stomach had been cut open and various organs were removed. Her throat was cut and she had been customized with a knife and there was a failed attempt to remove one of her eyeballs. Then, Richard Trenton Chase was captured by police after leaving several hand and shoe prints in blood at is last victims' residence.They found even more blood caked evidence in his apartment. In 1979 Chase stood trial on six counts of murder, his attorneys tried to avoid the death penalty by going the insanity route†¦ The plea was rejected. On May 8th, the Jury found Chase guilty on all six counts and he was sentenced to the gas chamber. While in prison, Chase had been seeing a doctor wh o had prescribed him with antidepressants that he hoarded for weeks. He was found dead on December 26, 1980 of an apparent overdose-suicide, taking all the pills he had been saving.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Glenmark Pharma Private Limited

Glenmark Pharma Private Limited Case Study Introduction * The company is headquartered in Baroda. * Mr. Ranjit Deshmukh holds the position of the Vice President. * Plants set up in Tamilnadu, Hyderabad and Gurgaon. * Markets bulk and cancer drugs and formulations. * Strong sales force of 700 people, supervised by 85 sales managers. * Salespeople have to compete with multiple competitors in different markets. * Competitors are from local manufacturers to large multinationals. Factors affecting sales effort * Sales effort is largely affected by the personal attitude of sales force towards the organization, job and the profession. In pharma sector, success largely depends on the growth in market share. * A negative attitude is more detrimental to the organization rather than to the individual. * Moreover it leads to low morale- this creates more problems to the organizations and also to the sales managers.Results of low motivation level * Such salespeople are mere order takers. * They d o not think creatively to increase sales. * They have a tendency to blame the marketing programme for poor sales. * They will never accept the lack of effort on their part. * They talk against the company. * They hardly give confidence to customers on the company’s products. Become argumentative with supervisors. * Also start giving credit to the competitor’s firm for their own sales failure. * Highlight the products of the competitor as being far better than that of their firm. * Complain that the salary paid to them is low. * Sales expenses are lower than other companies and it is restricting them from their goal achievement. * Some of them even quit the company and join other firms in the same sector.Problem Identification * Sales policy was altered considerably by the time product reaches to the customer level. * Sales people were not able to give their best to the company. People felt that there is something rotten happening in the field. * There was something tha t was grossly wrong with the sales staff. Means to identify the problems * Conducting a formal study to identify the problems of the sales staff. * They agreed upon hiring an independent consultant who can really talk to the salespeople to identify the problem. * They prepared a questionnaire containing 115 items covering 26 attitude areas. * Respondents had to give their opinion on a five point agreement scale. To make any remedial plan it is very essential to know what went wrong. 1.Issues related to security- I. Not a satisfactory compensation package. II. Fear from competitors. III. Inferiority Complex. IV. Below average attitude towards the company. 2. Issues related to achievement- I. No recognition or rewards for path breaking ideas II. No response on suggestions 3. Issues related to approval- I. Low status of job II. No rewards or recognition from higher management. III. 4. Issues related to advancement- I. No plan for growth or advancement from company’s side. II. In sufficient salary structure- lower than industry average. 5. Issues related to leadership- I.Dissatisfactory leadership. II. Failure of middle management to lead the salespeople and to give creative ideas. III. Higher management doesn’t want to listen to the problems of salespeople. IV. No cross functional co-ordination in the organization. 6. Issues related to Human Behaviour- I. Very high dissatisfaction among employees. II. Less coordial relationship with finance and account departments as the problems related to advances & expenses are knowingly created by these departments. REMEDIAL ACTION- 1. A compensation package directly related to the performance should be developed. 2.The training should be given regarding superiority of the products over competitor’s products 3. The Need Hierarchy Theory should be followed by sales supervisors where they access the need of every salesperson and motivators can be provided by deciding at what level of need hierarchy the s alesperson lies. 4. Sales managers should follow a role of motivator. 5. Middle management and top management should act as faciliatator for growth and self fulfillment. 6. A clear carrier path should be developed. 7. Proper communication of growth prospectives should be mentioned. 8. Appreciation of sales force on achievement of sales targets. . Proper training has to be imparted from time to time. 10. Disputes related to advance & expenses should be solved as quickly as possible. 11. There should be more inter-departmental coordination. LONG TERM MOTIVATIONAL PLAN FOR THE ORGANIZATION- SECURITY RELATED ISSUES:- 1. A compensation package directly related to the performance should be developed 2. The training should be given regarding superiority of the products over competitor’s products 3. An induction of new joinees should be conducted explaining the culture of the organization. ACHIEVMENT RELATED ISSUES:- 1.Non financial motivators should be used more. 2. The Need Hie rarchy Theory should be followed by sales supervisors where they access the need of every salesperson and motivators can be provided by deciding at what level of need hierarchy the salesperson lies. 3. Appreciation of sales force on achievement of sales targets should be done. APPROVAL RELATED ISSUE:- 1. Sales managers should follow a role of motivator. 2. The middle management should take a keen interest in providing approval of good work. 3. A strong communication policy oriented towards employees should be followed. LOYALTY RELATED ISSUE:- 1.A strong organisational culture backed by equity an opportunity for all should be followed. 2. Middle management and top management should act as faciliatator for growth and self fulfilment. 3. Aim at binding employees with organization ADVANCEMENT RELATED ISSUE:- 1. A clear carrier path should be developed. 2. Proper career anchors should be developed. 3. Proper communication of growth prospectives should be mentioned. LEADERSHIP RELATED ISS UE:- 1. Top management should emerge as role model to employees. 2. A conducive culture has to be followed where each employee is free to say what he feels & have a trust on leadership. . A right path should be shown to employees to have a pride on their leadership & their company. HUMAN BEHAVIOUR RELATED ISSUES:- 1. Employees should be treated as resource to the company rather than just a revenue generation tool. 2. Proper training has to be imparted from time to time. 3. Problems regarding sales pitching & sales presentation should be heard & resolve by experts. 4. Disputes related to advance & expenses should be solved as quickly as possible. 5. There should be more inter-departmental coordination.

Good and Bad Manners in Russia Essay

Observing etiquette and having good manners can make life of foreign people more convenient and helps to and adapt to different national features. Many norms of behavior in Russia are the same as in the whole world, but there are some special conventional rules of conduct which differs from manners of other countries. I want to list some of typical manners which exist in Russia: * For example, it’s a good manner to give up your place to woman or old person in public transport. * Also it’s very good to open the door before woman and hold the door when you go in or out of some place. * When you come to your friends’ home or you are invited to some party, you should take some present. It can be bunch of flowers, bottle of wine or some sweets. * Entering somebody’s house, you should take off your shoes in the entrance hall. * In Russia it’s typical to pay for a woman on a date. Your girlfriend wouldn’t object and it would be pleasant for her. * It’s a national feature to celebrate different occasions with jolly crowd, a lot of alcohol and dishes, playing music and singing. Foreign people can be amazed because some cheerful strangers on the street offer them â€Å"to drink for a company†. Also in Russia exist some special national holidays which people celebrate with feasting (e.g. New Year party, Epiphany, the Day of Motherland’s Protectors, Women’s Day, Easter, the 1st of May, Victory Day, the Day of Independent, the Day of Knowledge etc.) * It’s a bad manner to discuss the private life of colleagues and acquaintances. Also it’s not very good to talk about somebody’s salaries. * In Russia when you meet your friend or acquaintance it’s usual to say â€Å"Hello! How are you?†. You should ask even if you don’t want to know how he is getting on. * If you ask the woman about her age she can take umbrage and it can be very unpleasant for her. * If a man invites a woman to drink some tea in his house in Russia it could be understood as an invitation on dating. * In Russia sexual minority is not so tolerated as in Europe and USA. That is why it’s is better to avoid this subject in conversation. Discussion this theme can slow down making your career. * Russians don’t like when people speak foreign languages which they don’t understand. It can provoke distrust. * In case of celebrating some event, it’s impolite to refuse of glass when everybody is drinking especially in the moment when somebody proposes a toast to somebody’s health or success of business. Notwithstanding of  differences between Russian and foreign good and bad manners, there are common features of polite behavior. It proves that our country has fitting culture level and we must be proud of it.

Friday, September 13, 2019

ACCT - Principles of Managerial Accounting Essay - 2

ACCT - Principles of Managerial Accounting - Essay Example Some decisions are taken to prevent worsening of situations in the short term, but these decisions may have negative implications in the long run. In the given case, the purchase of CD raw materials should be recorded in the current year expenses since the purchase is already complete on 15th November. Adjusting expenses and posting transactions as per accounting convenience is a regular practice within organizations. In this case the CFO’s instruction to post the expenses in the current year even though the material purchased will be used in the next financial year is justified since the purchase has already taken place in the current year. Hence the decision is morally justified and does not reflect unfair accounting practice. Moral and ethical decisions in such contexts do present challenges to accountants who are well aware of the unfair accounting practices. However, the primary challenge lies in the fact that opposing the CFO or senior management decision may have negative implications on accountant job security and employment conditions. Accounting frameworks and standards provide the essential parameters for fair practice. Any decision that goes against these standards or code of ethics for accountants must be opposed on grounds of possible negative implications in the long run. The job allocation process of the company involves allotting jobs to contractors on the basis of low cost and high quality. The two different categories of contractors involved in this process are the general contractors and the government contractors. It has been noticed that the bidding price of the government contractors involve a certain percentage of overhead that is added to the cost of production. The profit percentage is thus specified and this leverages the government contractors’ position in terms of distinct cost plus profits for jobs allocated. The general contractors thus find themselves at a disadvantage since they have to compete

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Human Resource Management - Essay Example of HRM The main difference between soft and hard philosophies of HRM is that the soft approach is employee oriented where there is a balance between work and their interests while the hard approach is performance based where organisational productivity is given priority. The other difference between the two is related to the structure of the organisation which has a bearing on the HR functions. A soft approach can be applied to an organisation with a flat structure like Toyota while a hard approach is applicable to organisations with tall structures. In an organisation where a soft approach is applied, employees can contribute towards the decision making process while in a hard approach they are not involved. The other notable difference between the two is that teamwork is encouraged in an organisation which encompasses the soft approach while the one with a hard approach emphasises the element of increased performance. The other difference is that the soft approach encourages innova tion while the hard approach inhibits innovation. Table 1 Differences between soft and hard approaches to HRM Soft approach Hard approach Employee oriented Production/performance centred Suitable in flat organisation structure Ideal for tall organisation structures Involvement in decision making Employees not involved in decision making Teamwork is encouraged Teamwork is not promoted Innovation is promoted Does not promote innovation 1.2.1 Advantages and disadvantages of soft philosophies of HRM Advantages Disadvantages Workers are motivated The organisation can lose money pleasing employees. There is consensus in decision making Some of the ideas may not be incorporated in the decisions A sense of belonging is created Employees may see themselves too powerful Tasks are decentralised to... The paper tells that the main difference between soft and hard philosophies of HRM is that the soft approach is employee oriented where there is a balance between work and their interests while the hard approach is performance based where organisational productivity is given priority. The other difference between the two is related to the structure of the organisation which has a bearing on the HR functions. A soft approach can be applied to an organisation with a flat structure like Toyota while a hard approach is applicable to organisations with tall structures. In an organisation where a soft approach is applied, employees can contribute towards the decision making process while in a hard approach they are not involved. The other notable difference between the two is that teamwork is encouraged in an organisation which encompasses the soft approach while the one with a hard approach emphasises the element of increased performance. The other difference is that the soft approach enc ourages innovation while the hard approach inhibits innovation. The soft approach used by Toyota is commendable given that it is mainly concerned by the welfare and needs of the employees. This helps to motivate them such that they put optimum effort in their performance which is an added advantage to the company as a whole. The other reason is that the employees are satisfied with their job and it is easier for the organisation to retain talent. The other advantage is that continuous improvement of the employee skills helps them to keep pace with the changes that may take place in the environment.